
Monday 30 March 2015

American Body Building - Atoz Fitness

The American Body Building company has been around since 1985 and are thought of as the premier body building company with nutrition products that have been serving serious body builders for years. They are the only sports nutrition company in the industry to produce all types of products for body builders around the world. Their products range from ready-to-drink sports beverages to nutrition bars and body building supplements.

They believe that you will achieve your peak performance is a combination of what you eat, the efforts that you make when training, along with the amount of recovery and rest that you get. They subscribe to the proven theory that when you combine effective nutrition with an intensive workout program along with rest that you will achieve your body building goals.

Body Building, Smart Fitness

American Body Building provides what you need to make your body building program achieve the results you’ve always imagined. Their products are tested extensively and have been proven to work by people who are in the know when it comes to body building products. They strive to give their customers the ultimate experience in body building supplies and will stop nothing short of giving you the best that they have.

When they manufacture their products such as supplements, vitamins, and energy drinks, they are made in the most conducive environment so you can be sure that you are getting a quality product made in a quality plant. When they acquire their ingredients, they require those companies to provide certificates of authenticity to be sure that they are using the best quality that they can find and then pass it on to you.

You can find American Body Building products all over the place when you are looking. Many gyms carry these products and you can find them online as well at

Those who are serious about their body building goals know that when they choose American Body Building products, they are getting quality along with service that is unmatched. It is so important that you know what you are getting before you order it. When it comes to supplements or nutritional additives, American Body Building products are definitely among the top in the industry.

Their parent company is Optimum Nutrition and they also provide quality products along with exceptional customer service. When you choose an American Body Building product, you will be getting way more than you ever thought. You will be getting quality products and exceptional customer service that can’t be beat. Trust this company and realize your body building goals.

Source : Article Source Here  and Main Source

Saturday 28 March 2015

Pregnancy Nutrition -Healthy food for Pregnant Women

pregnancy women,food pregnancy, eat at pregnancy

 The Basics of Eating Well When Pregnant

It is hard to believe that women do have a hard time eating healthy when they are expecting a visit from the stork. The sad truth is some women find it very hard. There is a trick though to remember how to eat throughout your pregnancy and it is as easy as ABC. Assortment is the first key. It's been said that variety is the spice of life. Keeping your diet filled with assortment of fruits, vegetables and protein will help make sure that you and your baby don't get too much of one nutrient and not enough of another.

Eating a daily variety of healthy foods will give your growing baby and daily assortment of necessary nutrients. Balance is the next thing to keep in mind. We all know that balance and moderation is the key to any diet. There is no reason to deny yourself a bowl of ice cream but the whole container is over doing it. You want to keep all your meals as balanced as possible and make sure you are getting enough vitamins, whole grains and lean protein.

Eating one and not the other is not going to help you or your baby in any way shape or form. Indulging in cravings is fine every now and then as long as you keep it in moderation, if you want a cookie, have one. If potato chips are your craving, have a few.

It is when you eat the whole box of cookies and the whole bag of chips in one sitting that you might have a problem. The third key is color. You want to make your plate look as colorful as possible.

Look at fresh fruit and veggies to paint your plate. The more colorful your plate is, the more appeasing it is going to look to your eyes.

Have you ever noticed in magazines and cooking shows the dishes always look so tasty? This is because of the variety of color that are used in these dishes. You can get red strawberries and tomatoes to yellow peppers and squash. Pick your favorite colors and create your dishes based on that.

Forget about dieting while you are pregnant. You and your baby need a steady supply of calories and nutrients through out the nine months of pregnancy and beyond. Pregnancy is one of the only times where a woman is expected to gain weight. Trying to prevent that weight gain can not only put you at risk, but also your baby at risk.

You will have all the time in the world after your baby comes to lose the weight, but for nine months don't even think about the word diet. If you find you that you are getting sick of the food you have been eating, then it's time to start experimenting with different foods.

Pregnancy is a time to expand your eating horizons as well as your waistbands. Plus with food aversions, you might find yourself turning green at some of your favorite foods and craving foods you never dreamed you would eat. You may find that the thought of pizza can send you running for the toilet, but place a dish of brussel sprouts in front of you and you are in heaven. Lastly, have fun with your food. Eating should be fun.

Nothing will ruin your good habits faster than boredom. Add little touches like a dip for your veggies. Enjoy your food and try not to gulp it down. This will help avoid heartburn too! When you decide to treat yourself, leave the guilt at the door. After all, you are growing a person inside of you and decide a treat now and then for all your hard work.

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Friday 27 March 2015

Basics of Water Soluble Vitamins

The human body uses two types of vitamins

1.Water-soluble and 2.Fat-soluble.

In the debate over the necessity of vitamin supplementation, nutrition experts generally agree that there may be a need for water-soluble vitamins supplementation. These vitamins are called water-soluble because they are dissolved in water.

This property of the vitamins means that the body does not easily store them. You must consume foods with these vitamins on a daily basis.

The vitamins that make up water-soluble vitamins include the B-complex vitamins (B1-thiamine, B2-riboflavin, B3-niacin, B5-pantothenic acid, B6-biotin, B12-cobalamins, and folic acid) and vitamin C. The B-complex vitamins provide various bodily functions, including energy production, nerve cell, and carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolizing. Most people who eat a normal diet containing a variety of foods should have no problem getting enough of these vitamins everyday.

Types of vitamins

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is essential for preventing the accumulation of free radicals in the system. Having a sufficient amount of vitamin C is associated with a low risk of heart disease and cataracts. Depending on where you live, there are standards for what is required for both vitamins.

There are varying recommendations for the B-complex vitamins. In general, you need 50 milligrams of vitamin C each day. This amount is lower or higher depending on your age, sex, health status, and if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. This amount is only a guideline. You should discuss your personal needs with a health professional that can make a proper assessment of your dietary needs.

The most common foods that contain vitamins C include green vegetables, organ meats, and citrus fruits. The B-complex vitamins are a large group.

Following a diet that includes a variety of foods including nuts, beans, whole grains, organ meats, fish, and poultry should give you the amount of B-complex vitamins your body needs. Vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins are available in mega doses.

Although excessive amounts of water-soluble vitamins are excreted in the urine, doing so can also result in stomach upset and other unpleasant side effects. You should never consume large doses of vitamins with approval from your medical doctor. If you and a health professional determine that you are not getting enough of these vitamins, supplementation may be a consideration


Thursday 26 March 2015

Real Deal About Weight Loss Pills -AtoZ Fitness

Living in today’s high end and critical society is really difficult for some people. Sadly, while some are lucky enough to be born perfect, there are those who are physically underdeveloped or are not as endowed with the perfect body. Since conformity is the trick for one to get by in the eyes of peers, many individuals tend to do anything possible just to be considered “in”. Fat or obese individuals are oftentimes shunned by most people, and the extremely petite women are wowed upon by many.

As such, women tend to do whatever it takes just to loose weight. Some go for surgical procedures and others prefer the natural way to loose body fat. Apart from surgery and exercise, there are those who choose to take weight loss pill instead. Defining weight loss diet pill Weight loss pill is a tablet that is often taken by obese individuals for the hopes of having their fat and wide bodies slim down. As the demand for weight loss pill continues to grow each year, the market for these products also flourishes. In fact, anyone can buy these pills almost anywhere in the world.

There are two types of weight loss pills: The prescription weight loss pill and the over-the-counter pill.

The prescription weight loss pill products are the ones recommended by doctors to obese patients. These products are considered cosmetic in nature, thus, requiring patients to still continue with their exercise and diet. On the other hand, over the counter weight loss pill products are the ones most commonly regarded as food supplements. Majority of these weight loss pills that are available in the market today are not really effective. Most of these products are inexpensive and falsely promise consumers of fast weight loss results, thus, making them irresistible for people who find surgery as a costly procedure and exercise as a difficult daily task.

Side effects of OTC and prescription weight loss pills Over-the-counter weight loss pills generally contain high amount of amphetamine-related ingredients that can cause physical and psychological imbalances. As for prescription weight loss pills, the most common side effects are impotence, high blood pressure, hair loss, chest pain, and fever. Some things to consider Although weight loss pills are widely available in the worldwide market today, it is still important for consumers to remember that these products do not necessarily give fast weight loss results, for intake of these medications requires continuous or consistent maintenance of proper diet and exercise.

When taking in weight loss pills, follow the exact dosage instructed by the doctor. If side effects occur upon using these medications, remember to immediately consult a doctor. Also be wary with products that claim to have herbal ingredients, for these are not healthier or safer than the other weight loss pills.

Never fall for cheaper products just because they are noted to contain natural ingredients.

Remember that diet pills work when the consumption is under the supervision of a doctor and is associated with proper exercise, diet, and positive attitude towards losing weight.

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