
Monday 15 June 2015

Anger Controlling Tips for Stressful Situation

When an individual is dealing with anger issues, usually their emotions evolve when put in stressful situations. If a difficult incident pops up, often their only way to cope with it is to put up their defensive side. Becoming angry is probably easier than dealing with the circumstances. This is unfortunate since anger doesn't solve anything. Once it subsides, the problem is still there.

Angry Management, stress control

There are anger management tips which people can used when found in stressful situations. If there is a friend or family member who is easy to talk to and understanding, it might be good to talk to them. When an individual becomes angry they are incapable of seeing the other side of the problem. Talking to someone may help them by sharing their side of the story. The friend or family member may be able to help them sort through their issues and make them look at the situation from the other side. This anger management tip may work well for some people.

Another great anger controlling/management tip is to write down thoughts and feelings during a fit of anger. The angry individual may feel as if nobody understands or cares about their problems. Sharing may only cause extra conflict. Lashing out will get them nowhere. Writing or journalism may help people with anger issues. Without anyone to talk back or object to what they have to say, it may be help to get their feelings off their chest. Using writing as an anger management tip may also help in the future when trying to find the triggers which cause the angry outbursts. Being able to look back over the information written may provide the person with reasons for their anger through reading about similar incidents.

Taking a vacation, spending some alone time is another good anger management tip. Removing oneself from the environment which seems to frustrate and irritate them may be a wise idea. Being able to get away and reflect on their actions may help an individual to look at things differently. Given space and time may be positive for a person with anger issues.

Some people suggest prayer and meditation as anger management tips. Both of these suggestions involve very personal practices for an individual. Given a chance to pray and be alone with one's thoughts is a good way to release tension and let the pressures of life wash away. Letting go of feelings of anger and negative thoughts would definitely make a positive change in a person's life. Through prayer and meditation a person is able to dig deep into their minds and souls for answers to their problems and comfort for their broken spirits.
Angry Mangement, stress release,atoz fitness stress

There are lots of anger management tips which people can practice when the going gets tough. Tips such as breathe deeply, exercise, get more rest, get out in nature, find humor in the situation and play or listen to music. These are all recommended as anger management tips for the person who finds themselves in stressful and confrontational situations.

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Friday 12 June 2015

Enhance Your Flexibility -Exercises for men and Women

women and men exercises 

When it comes to the Big Three of exercise - cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training - it's pretty clear which one can get overlooked. After all, while we prize cardiovascular and strength training for their role in helping us lose weight, build muscle and get fit, the benefits of flexibility training are less immediately alluring.

women health, women fitness, female health care

However, as the population ages, more of us are learning to appreciate the rewards of stretching. Staying limber can offset age-related stiffness, improve athletic performance, and optimize functional movement in daily life. Research shows that flexibility training can develop and maintain range of motion and may help prevent and treat injury. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine has added flexibility training to its general exercise recommendations, advising that stretching exercises for the major muscle groups be performed two to three days per week.

How can you include an effective flexibility workout in your fitness program? Here are some guidelines:

Think in Terms of Serious Flexibility Training, Not Just Brief Stretching. Squeezing in one or two quick stretches before or after a workout is better that nothing, but this approach will yield limited results. What's more, generic stretches may not be effective for your particular body. The more time and attention you give to your flexibility training, the more benefits you'll experience. A qualified personal trainer, physical therapist or health professional can design a functional flexibility program specifically for you.

Consider Your Activities. Are you a golfer? Do you ski, run or play tennis? Do your daily home or work routines include bending, lifting or sitting for long periods? Functional flexibility improves the stability and mobility of the whole person in his or her specific environment. An individualized stretching program is best to improve both stability (the ability to maintain ideal body alignment during all activities) and mobility (the ability to use full, normal range of motion).

Pay Special Attention to Tight Areas. Often the shoulder, chest, hamstrings and hips are particularly tight, but you may hold tension in other areas, depending on your history of injuries and the existing imbalances in your muscle groups. Unless you tailor your flexibility training to your strengths and weaknesses, you may stretch already overstretched muscles and miss areas that need training.

Listen to Your Body. Stretching is an individual thing. Pay attention to your body's signals and don't push too far. Avoid bouncing or jerking movements to gain momentum; this approach can be dangerous.

Instead, slowly stretch your muscles to the end point of movement and hold the stretch for about 10 to 30 seconds. Older adults, pregnant women and people with injuries will need to take special precautions.

Get Creative. Varying your flexibility training can help you stick with it. You can use towels, resistance balls and other accessories to add diversity and effectiveness to your stretching.

Warm Up First. Don't forget to warm up your muscles before you begin. Walking briskly for 10 to15 minutes is a simple way to do this.

Find a Flexibility Class That Works for You. Classes that include stretching are becoming more popular and more diverse. Some combine cardiovascular and strength components with the flexibility training; others focus exclusively on stretching.

Stretch Your Mind and Body. Did you know that your emotional state may affect your flexibility? If your body is relaxed, it will be more responsive to flexibility training. Listening to music and focusing on your breath can help you relax as you stretch. You may also want to explore yoga or Pilates. In addition to stretching, classes in these disciplines may include relaxation, visualization and other mind-body techniques designed to reduce stress and increase mindfulness.

It's Not Just for Wimps. Forget the idea that stretching is just for elderly, injured or unconditioned people. Many Olympic and professional athletes rely on flexibility training for peak performance.

Do It Consistently. It doesn't help to stretch for a few weeks and then forget about it. Integrate regular stretching into your permanent fitness program. For inspiration, look to cats and dogs - they're dedicated practitioners of regular stretching and you rarely see them getting the kind of joint or muscular injuries that humans get!

Female fitness,Exercise for women,atoz fitness women

Shoulder and Trapezius Stretch

  • Stand upright with shoulders back, chest out, and feet hip-width apart.
  • Clasp your hands behind your buttocks.
  • Slowly lift your hands up and away from your body until they have reached the furthest comfortable position.
  • Keep your chest out and your chin in without hunching over.
  • Once you feel a comfortable stretch in your chest and anterior shoulders, hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.

Lying Quadriceps Stretch

  •  Lie face down on a mat.
  •  Lift your right leg up towards your buttocks.
  •  Reach around with your right hand and grasp your foot. Slowly pull downwards, stretching your      quadriceps to the furthest comfortable position.

 Hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.

Shin Stretch

  • Using a wall or chair as support, place your left foot behind your right foot, with the top of your left foot on the ground.
  • Extend the bottom of your left shin as far forward as possible. Slowly lower yourself by bending both legs.
  • Once you have stretched your anterior tibialis to the furthest comfortable position, hold for at least 15-30 seconds.
  • Switch legs and repeat.

Hip, Gluteus and Back Stretch

  1. Sit on the floor with both of your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Bend your right leg over your left leg, keeping your right foot flat on the floor outside the left knee.
  3. Place your left elbow on the outside of your right knee, and extend your right arm behind you with your palm flat on the floor for support.
  4. Slowly twist your upper body to the right while looking over your right shoulder.
  5. Lightly apply pressure with your left elbow on the outside of your right knee as you twist. Be sure to keep your upper body straight.
  6. Once you feel a comfortable stretch in your hips, buttocks, and lower back, hold this position for at least 15-30 seconds.
  7. Switch sides and repeat.

Calf Stretch

  1.  Put the sole of the top half of your right foot against the wall. Slide your right heel as close  towards the wall as possible.
  2. Slowly lean forward towards the wall stretching your calves. Once you have stretched your calf   to the furthest comfortable position, hold for at least 15-30 seconds.
  3. Switch legs and repeat.
Source From:

Monday 8 June 2015

Greatest Vitamin Sources -AtoZ Fitness

There is a lot of debate as to what the greatest vitamin actually is. Each vitamin has its own essential functions that contribute to a person’s general health and well-being. It is impossible to actually state that one of these is the greatest vitamin. However there are a number of foods that provide the greatest vitamin quantities. 

Vitamin Sources -Healthy Life

The greatest vitamin sources vary for each vitamin. It is important to have a balanced diet to ensure that the required amounts of each vitamin are obtained. However, it may be useful to list the greatest vitamin sources for each vitamin to be used as a guide.

* Greatest vitamin A sources are milk, eggs, butter, yellow fruits & vegetables, dark green fruits & vegetables, liver

* Greatest vitamin B1 sources are brewer’s yeast, whole grains, blackstrap molasses, brown rice, organ meats, egg yolk
* Greatest vitamin B2 sources are brewer’s yeast, whole grains, legumes, nuts, organ meats, blackstrap molasses
* Greatest vitamin B3 sources are lean meats, poultry & fish, brewer’s yeast, peanuts, milk, rice bran, potatoes
* Greatest vitamin B4 sources are egg yolks, organ meats, brewer’s yeast, wheat germ, soybeans, fish, legumes
* Greatest vitamin B5 sources are organ meats, egg yolks, legumes, whole grains, wheat germ, salmon, brewer’s yeast
* Greatest vitamin B6 sources are meats, whole grains, organ meats brewer’s yeast, blackstrap molasses, wheat germ
* Greatest vitamin B7 sources are egg yolks, liver, unpolished rice, brewer’s yeast, sardines, legumes, whole grains
* Greatest vitamin B8 sources are who1e grains, citrus fruits, molasses, meat, milk, nuts, vegetables, brewer’s yeast
* Greatest vitamin B9 sources are dark-green leafy vegetables, organ meats, root vegetables, oysters, salmon, milk
* Greatest vitamin B12 sources are organ meats, fish, pork, eggs, cheese, milk, lamb, bananas, kelp, peanuts
* Greatest vitamin B13 sources are root vegetables, liquid whey
* Greatest vitamin B15 sources are brewer’s yeast, rare steaks, brown rice, sunflower, pumpkin & sesame seeds
* Greatest vitamin B17 sources are whole kernels of apricots, apples, cherries, peaches, plums

* Greatest vitamin C sources are citrus, cabbage family, chilli peppers, berries, melons, asparagus, rose hips
* Greatest vitamin D sources are salmon, sardines, herring, milk, egg yolk, organ meats, sprouted seeds, sunflower seeds
* Greatest vitamin E sources are cold-pressed oils, eggs, wheat germ, organ meats, molasses, sweet potatoes, nuts
* Greatest vitamin F sources are vegetable oils, butter, sunflower seeds
* Greatest vitamin K sources are green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, safflower oil, blackstrap molasses, cauliflower
* Greatest vitamin Q sources are pinto beans, legumes, soybeans
* Greatest vitamin T sources are sesame seeds, raw seeds, butter, egg yolk
* Greatest vitamin V sources are raw cabbage, sauerkraut, leafy vegetables

Source From : Latest Health News and Fitness Articles

Monday 1 June 2015

Exercise Plan To Lose Weight:

Running and Jogging for Health,atoz fitness

Do you have an exercise plan to lose weight?  

Two excellent choices to consider are the elliptical workout and the treadmill weight loss workout. Let's compare the two kinds of workouts so you will be able to determine which exercise plan to lose weight works best for you. An elliptical trainer workout has become very popular and actually has a few advantages over a treadmill.

It is less strenuous to the knees, joints and lower back so it is very suitable for people with injuries.
It also works all the parts of your body continuously giving you a total body workout.
An elliptical trainer workout is great for cardio fitness and you can get a good workout in a short period of time. A treadmill workout is still a very popular workout today.

Many people buy a treadmill so the whole family can use it. A treadmill workout is perfect for beginners because the intensity in the workout is adjustable by walking, jogging or running. Treadmill weight loss can best be achieved by exercising within your target heart range zone. Here is how to find the right target heart rate for you.

First, you need to find out what your heart rate is while exercising after five minutes. To test your heart rate place your thumb on the underside of your wrist to locate your pulse. Count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply that number times four. That number is your heart rate. To calculate your ideal target heart rate, subtract your age from 220.

For successful treadmill weight loss exercise within 70% of your target heart range zone. Both the elliptical trainers and treadmills help you to burn fat and are perfect exercise plans to lose weight. Exercising not only tones your muscles, but actually gives you more energy for your whole day. You can purchase treadmills and elliptical workout trainers on the Internet as well as fitness stores. Both machines are very effective for burning fat and losing weight.

Just make sure that you buy quality equipment that will last. If you are looking to burn body fat and take off weight, these two machines can be a great help for your exercise plan to lose weight.

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Here you can get more information about Latest Health news and Fitness Articles: Also weight loss tips and exercises for lose weight quickly,etc.