
Tuesday 16 December 2014


Weight Loss Programs - Weight Loss News and  Diet Plans

One of the secrets of success with our 7 Week Slim Down is paying close attention to how well you pace yourself. Trying to do too much too soon can wreck your program before it has barely even begun. A much better method is to take your 1st week and ease into better nutrition and exercise.  
Follow these tips and not only will staying motivated be easy, but you'll also be building positive momentum that can very much help you achieve your weight loss goals!  

* Determine Your Fitness Level. To know where you are going it makes good sense to understand your starting point. How in (or out) of shape are you? Here's some things to consider... 
How many push ups can you do?

Your pulse before and after a 1 mile walk. Your weight and if possible your body fat percentage. 
Your level of strength and endurance will give you an idea of just how much you can do your first week without overdoing it. 

* Start Moving More. On three alternating days your first week get moving with a brisk walk. This can be in your neighborhood, at a park or on the treadmill. How long you walk should be based on just how your body reacted to your 1 mile test. If on the test your pulse went through the ceiling start with fifteen or twenty minutes of walking. If it barely moved aim for 45 minutes. Remember the goal for Week 1 is to just get you back into the habit of exercise NOT to leave you exhausted! 

* Do Some Light Calisthenics. Calisthenics are simply exercises that rely only on your body weight to tone your muscles. We'll dig deeper into them later, but for now all we want to do is a few light easy sets every other day on the days you aren't walking.  

Three sets of push ups (on your knees is OK if you can't do a full push up) doing half of your maximum reps, plus three sets of however many sit ups or crunches you can do is plenty for Week 1. Remember don't over do it! 

* Eliminate Sugar Filled Calorie Containing Drinks.  A small diet adjustment to get you on the right track you'll likely hardly even notice is to cut out drinking empty calories. Drop soda and stop adding milk, creamer and sugar to your coffee. Replace with water, green tea and coffee without the extras. Use stevia as a natural calorie free sweetener and I promise you won't miss sugar for more than a day or two. 

* Cut Out Obvious Diet Busters. Week 1 isn't about making drastic diet changes, but it is time to remove blatant diet busters. Get rid of the fast food, the fried junk and the cake, candy and chips. Later on we'll dig into winning diet concepts and methods. For now use your own common sense to clean up your worst diet offenders!  

So Week 1 of our 7 Week Slim Down isn't so tough is it? It's all about easing into being active and eating right. Starting slow builds a strong foundation for your future weight loss success. Don't worry harder work is right around the corner! 

Are you excited? You should be because a new slim and fit you awaits!

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